Unleashing Sales Success: The Crucial Role of Tech Adoption

Empowering Your Team and Elevating Results Through Strategic Technology Integration

By Jae Ahn


In sales, your tech stack isn't merely ornamental—it's a powerhouse of untapped potential. However, the benefits it promises can only be realized through active adoption. Failing to embrace technology comprehensively not only jeopardizes your budget but also puts you at risk of falling behind. We're here to dissect the risks and offer four indispensable tips to supercharge adoption, unlocking a world of lucrative advantages.

7 Benefits of Outbound Sales Software

  1. Increases Efficiency of Sales Team: Did you know that it can take up to 8 seconds to dial a phone number? It may not seem like a lot of time, but when you're making over a hundred daily calls, those seconds quickly add up. Let's say you're making 200 calls a day - that's 25 minutes of just dialing numbers! Glencoco’s automated dialer allows SDRs to save time dialing and focus more on conversations with their leads. outbound-sales-auto-dialer.png
  2. Allows Sales Reps to Reach out to Leads Immediately: For rapidly growing businesses, like startups, it can be tough to keep up with a sudden influx of interested leads. It's a good problem, but the fact remains that those interested leads need to be contacted as quickly as possible. Optimal lead response times can vary by industry, but common sense dictates that the faster you can engage with a prospect, the better. Many sales reps know about the five-minute rule, which says you should engage a prospect within five minutes of contacting you. A MIT/Insidesales.com study on lead response found that you're 100 times more likely to reach your prospect if you call within 5 minutes of contacting you versus 30 minutes, and you're 21 times more likely to qualify them.
  3. Allows you to Scale Your Lead Outreach: For rapidly growing businesses, like startups, it can be tough to keep up with a sudden influx of interested leads. It's a good problem, but the fact remains that those interested leads need to be contacted as quickly as possible. With outbound technology, researching, contacting, organizing, and nurturing leads can be optimized with automation and lead management tools. For instance, prospecting software can verify contact information for potential leads against a database, ensuring that the information you're getting is valid and sales reps are only contacting verified leads. Automations make it easier for sales reps to prioritize qualified leads and reach out to them within that 5-minute window with an automatic email or SMS.
  4. Helps you Build Predictable Revenue: Outbound technology helps you create an optimized sales process, meaning conversions and revenue can become more predictable. With an outbound sales framework supported by outbound sales tools, you can ensure that salespeople will be able to contact a certain number of qualified leads per day, making it easier to predict potential sales revenue.
  5. Helps Support Account-Based Selling: ABM or account-based marketing refers to the multiple touchpoints and strategies that businesses use to effectively market and sell to high-value customer accounts. To be effective with ABM, sales and marketing teams have to work together to establish strategies for engaging these clients, including cross-selling and upselling. With outbound technology like a sales CRM, sales and marketing teams can easily access the same contextual information about a customer account, including key contacts, and create campaigns that are built specifically to engage this customer. Instances of companies using ABM selling is increasing, with 70% of marketers using it in 2021, up from 15% in 2020.
  6. Helps you Keep Track of and Prioritize Leads: Outbound technology in the form of lead management software is the ideal solution. Lead management software can automate the sorting of incoming leads based on criteria that you set, placing leads into “buckets” or categories that allow your sales team to prioritize qualified leads first. But once that lead is engaged, their contact information, previous sales, and more should be stored and easily accessible, allowing sales reps to easily contact that prospect again armed with knowing that prospect's business history. This is why having a sales CRM with a built-in lead management tool is essential. See below a screenshot of Glencoco’s own CRM dashboard for SDRs. outbound-sales-CRM-dashboard.png
  7. Makes Cold Calling Easier: The process of cold calling prospects can be time-consuming, especially if you're doing it manually. Outbound technology can automate and improve some manual aspects of calling. With Glencoco, local ID numbers can be purchased within the CRM, and click-to-call software means no more dialing numbers manually. If calls aren't answered, automatic voicemail leaves a pre-recorded message, and the software can move on to the following number on the list.

Best Practices for Driving Adoption

Here's how we foster adoption across RevOps, sales, and SDR teams, applicable even beyond Outreach:

  1. Get Sales Leadership on Board: Encourage sales leaders to champion and integrate the platform into the sales process, leading by example. Shifting forecasting to the sales execution platform sets expectations and naturally drives engagement within teams.
  2. Align Coaching with Unique Role Goals: Tailor coaching to individual roles, focusing on the workflows that yield the most significant impact. For AEs, it might involve using smart views, while managers benefit from leveraging reporting and SDR teams from multi-touch sequences.
  3. Create Envy Among Non-Adopters: Showcase success stories of platform users within the organization, highlighting their achievements. The more resistant individuals witness positive impacts, the more likely they are to embrace technology.
  4. Establish an Enablement Plan: Plan for continuous enablement with regular sessions, emphasizing best practices, time-saving strategies, new features, and more. At Outreach, we offer CSM-led training, live virtual sessions, and ongoing support to ensure optimal utilization.

It Starts with You

Embracing cutting-edge technology may initially seem daunting, but it stands as a pivotal stride in navigating the ever-changing landscape of sales. In an era marked by heightened accountability and rapid technological progress, whether you opt for Outreach or another solution, integrating the right tech stack is what will truly set you apart.

Our boastful 16.8% hold rate (as opposed to the industry standard of 3.8%) attests to Glencoco's prowess in seamlessly integrating technology into the SDR's workflow. Glencoco doesn't just offer a tool; it empowers sellers and managers alike by harmonizing with existing workflows, providing an intuitive and user-friendly experience.

Take a discerning look at your sales tech stack; its evaluation and your team's swift adoption aren't mere suggestions—they're imperatives your business insists upon.

Click here to get started with Glencoco!

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