AI Contract Management Software Company Replaces its SDR Team to Embrace the Future of Sales

How Docjuris tried Glencoco and Decided to Replace Their SDR Team to Generate Meetings more Cost-Effectively and Win Real Deals

By Glen Coco

The Challenge

The industry average tenure of a Sales/Business Development Rep is 6-9 months. To put that in perspective, it means that whether you have a 2-person SDR team or a 100-person SDR team, in 1 year’s time, your entire team is gone. There are significant shadow costs associated with this high churn: search time, recruiting costs, interview time, training time on tools, processes, the sales playbook. The worst part is, it’s even harder to find good SDR Managers in the market. Almost every company, small or enterprise, understands the challenge and pain of this setup.

Docjuris Business Overview

Docjuris is a venture-backed seed-stage company based in Houston selling a premium, high-end contract management software solution with AI features to senior Decision Makers at companies negotiating a minimum of 20 B2B contracts a month. Their sales cycles take 6-9 months on average, with high contract values and a department that’s known for being thorough in their evaluation process.


Docjuris uses a multi-channel approach to generating pipeline, consisting of conferences, outbound emails, SEO and paid ads, and senior Enterprise Sales Executives. Initially, they hired a team of full-time SDRs and also used Glencoco to supplement their outbound pipeline in parallel. The typical profile of the SDR they hired were more junior reps earlier in their careers. What they found was that for their senior Decision Maker persona, namely General Counsels and VPs of Procurement at mid-market to enterprise companies, the older, more experienced business development professionals who actively prefer remote, flexible work, turned out to perform better and more consistently in connecting on phone calls and winning sales qualified meetings. As a result, they decided to lay off their entire in-house SDR team, integrate their Salesforce CRM to the Glencoco platform, and generate sales qualified meetings on a contingent outcome basis as they realized how much more cost-effective and higher ROI this approach was.

Where Glencoco Comes In

Glencoco is not a SaaS tool in the traditional sense with licensing fees, onboarding costs where you need to justify cost per user. Glencoco was designed by and for Growth teams to set up, monitor, manage, and pause an outbound cold calling campaign as easily as they could set up a Linkedin or Instagram ad campaign.

With Glencoco’s native Salesforce CRM integration, Docjuris has been able to bi-directionally sync its entire set of leads and upload them into a campaign with tiered pricing for conversions, consisting of:

  • Inbound leads
  • Cold outbound leads
  • Conference attendees
  • Prospects that have opened outbound email sequences multiple times

and generate consistent sales qualified meetings with minimal SDR management overhead.

Docjuris Results

The following are the results that Docjuris has been able to generate after replacing its entire SDR team, without paying SaaS subscription fees, hiring additional Sales Development Reps, and paying only per qualified outcome.

Snapshot as of August 30, 2023

  • Duration: 6 months
  • Sales Cycle Length: 6-9 months
  • Campaign Industry Focus: MM-Enterprise (companies negotiating >20 B2B contracs per month)
  • Opportunities Generated: 31
  • Pipeline: ~$732,540
  • Pipeline at 90% closed won: $47,940
  • Spend: ~$17,500
  • Implied 1st Year ACV/CAC: 2.74
  • NPS Score: 10/10

You guys are doing great work. Probably the most successful sales vendor we use, so feel free to use that as a reference point.. I think what I appreciate is Glencoco's attention to detail and curiosity. And I think that's why you're successful so far. I mean Glencoco, they're finding the signals.

Henal Patel, CEO of Docjuris

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