7 Signs A Remote Sales Job Might Be the Perfect Fit for You

The Top Benefits of Choosing a Remote Sales Career

By Diane Almanzor

Did you know that as of 2023, over 4.7 million Americans work remotely at least half the time? Of this, nearly 41% of the full-time workforce in the U.S. operates under remote or hybrid models, with 12.7% fully remote and 28.2% in a hybrid arrangement.

Companies are also now leaning towards hiring remote sales professionals rather than building their own in-house sales team as studies suggest they can be more productive than their in-office counterparts.

For example, 53% of sellers whose organizations operate under a flywheel model said remote selling has made their jobs easier, relative to 35% of salespeople whose companies use the sales funnel model.

What does this mean for you? It means there's a significant opportunity for those considering or currently in remote sales roles. With the trend towards remote work only growing, and with remote sales professionals finding increased productivity and job satisfaction, it’s prime time to consider whether a remote sales job is right for you.

Here are seven signs that an outbound or remote sales position could be your ideal career move:

You Thrive on Flexibility and Autonomy

You prefer a work environment that offers the freedom to set your own schedule and work from anywhere. The autonomy afforded by remote work empowers remote sales professionals with control over their schedules, workflows, and decision-making processes.

Furthermore, the geographic and lifestyle flexibility of remote sales jobs allows professionals to live and work from anywhere, aligning work with their preferred lifestyle. This flexibility is particularly advantageous for sales professionals who thrive in environments that they can tailor to their personal and professional needs.

Remote sales jobs also support diverse life situations, enabling individuals with caregiving responsibilities or health conditions to more effectively balance work and personal life. Remarkably, 77% of managers and 76% of caregivers agree that remote work enhances overall quality of life.

Considering these aspects, if you find that the flexibility to set your own schedule and work from anywhere appeals to you, and you're motivated by the prospect of having greater control over your work-life balance, then a remote sales job might just be the perfect fit.

remote sales job for outbound sales offer flexibility and autonomy

You Are a Pro at Remote Sales Pipeline Management

If you're proficient in juggling various stages of the sales process without missing a beat, then a remote sales job might be calling your name. Your ability to manage and use CRM systems and pivot strategies based on real-time data is a superpower in today's remote sales jobs.

With 77% of sales professionals shifting to remote selling, it's clear that virtual client engagement is not just a temporary trend but a staple in the sales industry. Such a transition emphasizes the importance of a comprehensive understanding of CRM tools to maintain an efficient sales pipeline from afar.

High-performing sales teams are 1.5 times more likely to use data-driven insights for forecasting, confirming the crucial role of CRM proficiency. Their ability to adapt based on analytics allows them to outmaneuver competitors in a dynamic market.

Moreover, having a strong grasp of sales analytics is a non-negotiable asset. As McKinsey points out, the gap between top and bottom sales performers is wide, but analytics can narrow this divide by pinpointing what strategies work.

Additionally, having the ability to adeptly segment leads is a critical skill that separates the top performers from the rest. The integration of AI and machine learning in sales tools has been a game-changer, allowing for even more precise segmentation.

It is making remote sales jobs efficient, effective, and possible. Hence, if you're not leveraging advanced segmentation in your sales strategy, you're leaving money on the table.

If you find yourself naturally gravitating towards data-driven strategies, enjoying the challenge of dissecting large datasets to unearth actionable insights, and have a knack for tailoring communication to various audience segments, a remote sales job could very well be your calling.

You Like Quick Earnings and Fast Onboarding

One of the most compelling reasons to consider a remote sales job is the potential for rapid earnings. Unlike traditional roles with structured pay scales, remote sales positions often offer commission-based earnings, providing you with a direct correlation between effort and reward.

A recent survey by ZipRecruiter found that remote sales roles had an average earnings increase of 12.3% within the first month of employment compared to traditional sales jobs.

The immediacy of financial reward in remote sales is not limited to any single industry. For instance, In the tech sector, professionals have reported earning bonuses and commissions within the first few weeks. A HubSpot analysis revealed that tech sales representatives could earn up to 40% of their annual income from commission, with some reporting closing significant deals within their first few weeks on the job.

Remote sales jobs also have low barriers to entry and the minimal start-up time. Unlike traditional roles that might require a prolonged ramp-up period, remote sales positions are designed for agility.

You can often start engaging with leads immediately after a brief onboarding process. Training materials and sales resources are typically provided digitally, allowing you to familiarize yourself with products and strategies quickly.

You Excel in Competitive and Collaborative Environments

Thriving in both competitive and collaborative settings is a key trait for success in remote sales roles.  Research indicates that competition can be a powerful motivator, with 89% of employees feeling more motivated when they compete against their peers.

Additionally, collaborative environments can lead to a 36% increase in employee engagement. Combining competition and collaboration, remote sales jobs drive performance improvement.

In managing remote sales workers, studies show that 70% of employees believe that leaderboards help increase productivity by creating a sense of competition and recognition.

If you find yourself motivated by the drive to excel in such an environment, shifting to a remote sales job aligns perfectly with your strengths and aspirations. This synergy between your personal competencies and the inherent structure of remote sales roles suggests a promising path forward in your career.

Remote sales job offers competitive environment

You Adapt Quickly to Sales Automation Tools

Your proficiency in quickly adapting to sales automation tools sets you apart in the remote sales job market. Considering that outbound sales reps can spend up to 40% of their time searching for leads, the efficiency gained from mastering CRM systems and automated dialers is invaluable.

These tools not only expedite the lead generation process but also place you at a strategic advantage by enabling faster response times to potential clients.

This capability is crucial, as research shows that 35% to 50% of sales go to the vendor that responds first. With automation tools, like Glencoco’s automated dialer, proven to enhance sales by up to 29% and productivity by 34%, your adeptness in using these technologies is a clear indicator of your readiness for a successful career in remote sales.

You Seek Diverse Opportunities and Continuous Learning

According to a Gartner report, by 2025, an estimated 80% of B2B sales interactions will shift to digital platforms, illustrating the expanding horizon for remote sales professionals. This digital shift enables a person with any level of experience, from 5 to 25 years, to contribute to global companies, effectively removing geographical constraints.

The productivity advantages of remote work are notable, with Owl Labs reporting that 24% of remote workers achieve more in less time than their in-office peers. Such statistics reinforce the notion that talent can thrive outside the conventional office setting, broadening the talent pool for companies and offering workers a broader range of job prospects.

Alongside the diversified job opportunities, remote sales positions are a hotbed for continuous learning and professional advancement. LinkedIn Learning's insights suggest that 94% of employees are more likely to stay with an employer who invests in their learning, a statistic echoed by the high priority companies place on employee development to stay competitive in the dynamic sales landscape.

For ambitious individuals, remote sales jobs  promise a career path filled with diverse opportunities and the promise of continuous upskilling. It offers adaptability, innovation, and a lifelong commitment to learning, setting the stage for a fulfilling and progressive professional journey.

You're Attracted to Performance-Based Pay and Progression

A commission structure, where your income correlates directly with your success in sales, is common in remote sales jobs. This merit-based system is designed to incentivize and reward top performers and encourage a proactive and results-oriented work ethic.

Over 90% of companies that rely on a sales force use some variable pay, and remote positions are increasingly adopting similar models. The beauty of this system is its simplicity: the more you sell, the more financial rewards you receive. This approach not only motivates fractional SDRs to push their limits but also ensures that their efforts are fairly compensated.

This performance-based model can also pave the way to full-time employment. Part-time remote sales roles often serve as proving grounds for sales talent.

For instance, professionals who excel in remote sales environments often find themselves in the spotlight for full-time roles. The same HubSpot survey notes that companies are keen on retaining top talent, with 56% stating that they're more likely to offer full-time positions to high-performing remote workers.

The transition from part-time to full-time is a proof of the sales professional's ability to adapt to the remote selling environment, manage their sales pipeline effectively, and consistently meet or exceed sales targets.

How can Glencoco Help Remote Sale Job Seekers

In finding a remote sales job, Glencoco stands out as a dynamic marketplace uniquely designed to bridge the gap between remote sales professionals and their next career milestone. It connects remote sales job seekers like fractional SDRs and outbound sales cold callers with a plethora of opportunities tailored to their expertise and career goals.

Beyond offering a platform for job discovery, Glencoco equips users with advanced sales tools and resources to enhance their marketability and performance. It offers:

  • CRM Lead View
  • Automated Dialer
  • Real-time analytics
  • Leaderboards
  • Instant payouts

This makes Glencoco an ideal platform for those looking to excel in remote sales roles. Transform your sales potential into real success. Register on Glencoco and connect with leading remote sales job opportunities.

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